The College of Engineering at Gulf University is pleased to announce the 3rd International Conference on Science, Engineering and Advanced Technology (ICSEAT 2024), set to take place on 30th & 31st October 2024, Kingdom of Bahrain (Hybrid Mode). The ICSEAT 2024 provides a leading forum for the presentation of new advances and research results in the fields of Science, Engineering and Technology. The Conference will bring together leading researchers, engineers and scientists in the domain of interest from around the world. The theme of the International Conference on Science, Engineering and Advanced Technology (ICSEAT 2024) is “Innovative Technology for Humanity”. Innovation is very apt for the global economy that we are facing today. The capacity for innovation through the creation of new products and processes will play a dominant role in meeting that goal. Innovation is a result of the transformation of scientific knowledge, through engineering research and technology development into products and processes for the marketplace. We hope that some of the research findings here will be commercialized so as to contribute directly towards greater economic growth. The aim of the conference is to provide a platform for engineers, academia and researchers to disseminate and discuss their current research findings and also to explore recent developments, current practices and future trends in the fields of science, engineering, and technology. The conference is participated by educators, researchers, and policymakers with the aim to share practices, studies, insights, and experiences on developing technology as it applies to 21st-century learning.
Hybrid Mode (Online/Physical), Gulf University, Kingdom of Bahrain.
This conference provides a venue for researchers and practitioners in related fields from academia, industry and government to meet in a forum where the latest research results are presented and prospects for future developments are discussed.
All accepted papers will be published to Springer Nature which are indexed by SCOPUS.
The ICSEAT 2024 Organizing Committee cordially invites submissions of high-quality research papers reporting original work on, but not limited to, the following topics of interest:
Building 1964, Road 4363, Sanad 743