
The conference on Mental Health at Work provides a platform for academics, researchers,
professionals, and policymakers to explore the critical dimensions of mental health in workplace
environments. With a focus on evidence-based strategies, innovative interventions, and inclusive
practices, the conference seeks to foster meaningful discussions and collaborations that contribute to
healthier, more productive workplaces. The conference aims to advance the understanding and
practice of mental health in workplace settings, promoting employee well-being, organizational
success, and societal impact.


Subthemes of the Conference
n Mental health & armed forces
n Combat fatigue, coping strategies and emotional well being
n Trauma-informed workplaces
n Meeting psychological needs at work
n Enhancing quality of work life
n Therapeutic interventions in modern work places
n Mental health post-retirement
n Nurturing career aspirations in a changing world
n Psychology of remote work culture
n Uncertainty of tenure in workplace
n Workplace stress and burnout
n Mental health policy and organisational culture
n Technology and mental health at work
n Diversity, equity, and inclusion in workplace
n Mindfulness and resilience training in the workplace
n Leadership and mental health
n Economic implications of workplace mental health
n Intersection of physical and mental health in the workplace
n Future of work and evolving mental health needs
n Entrepreneurship and mental resilience

Publication Opportunity

PublIcation Oppotunity

Papers accepted for the INSIGHT 2025 after the double-blind peer-review process will be published in the ICBTEdinburgh’2025 conference proceedings, which is indexed by SCOPUS, Google Scholar, and Springerlink.
Additionally, selected papers that have been presented at the conference will also be considered for further development of a possible publication in the highly esteemed partner journals listed below. Note that journal editors are provided with the conference proceedings and will make selections if they feel the work is appropriate and of sufficient quality for the journal. If invited to publish in a journal authors will be expected to develop the work by 40-50%, including a change of title and abstract. Individual journal procedures will need to be followed and there is no guarantee of publication. Of course, this will include one or more of the following journals:

  1. Journal of Strategic MarketingSpacial Issue, Taylor & Francis, (Scopus, Q1).
  2. Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting, Special Issue No. 1 – Emerald Publishing, (Scopus, Q1).
  3. Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting, Special Issue No. 2– Emerald Publishing, (Scopus, Q1).
  4. FIIB Business ReviewRegular Issue, SAGE Publications (ABS, Scopus, Q1).
  5. Discover Sustainability Journal, Special Issue– Springer (Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), SCOPUS, and DOAJ).
  6. Journal of Business and Socio-economic Development (JBSED)Special Issue– Emerald
  7. The International Journal of Business Ethics and Governance (IJBEG), Special Issue-EMBAT.
  8. Arab Journal of Administrative Sciences, Kuwait University, Kuwait.
  9. Kristu Jayanti Journal of Management Sciences ( KJMS), Kristu Jayanti College, Autonomous, Bengaluru., India.





Conference Speakers / meet with greaters

Event Sponsors / dont forget it

Event Location

Kristu Jayanti College

91 9994318980 vigraanth@kristujayanti.com


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